16 May 2011
Friday the 13th, but no one broke a leg. It was time for another run this morning. I picked up Richard at 5AM this morning and we met up with James at the hiker's parking lot at Monte Sano State Park. Temps were already in the low 70s. We decided to run the Dizzy Fifties Loop to get somewhere around 8-9 miles. The first thing I noticed was the annoying buzzing sound that seemed to come and go as we ran the trails. Assomeone mentioned on the ultralist, it is the season for red-eyed Cicadas, the ones that onlycomeout every 13 years. I'm not a big fan of any type of bug, so I'm not too disappointed that they only hatch every thirteen years. Some trail sections looked like someone had taken a gigantic drill and turned the trail into Swiss cheese. The weather was perfect this morning. We also got to see four deer that didn't notice us until we were about 20-30 yards from them. Add the occasional squirrel and we had a regular zoo ou there. We even managed to pick up the pace for a mile here and there during the run.
Posted by Ultra Kraut in Endurance Running, Running, Trail Running, Training Logs, Ultra Running
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