I really did not plan on running this race at all. I was double-booked already for this afternoon, I had already run a little over 7 miles this morning and it was freaking cold and windy on top of everything else. However, my other commitments (soccer games) got cancelled due to inclement field conditions and my run with Richard this morning was at an easy pace and since I had planned to run between 15-20 miles for the day anyway, the UAH Spring 10K road race was actuallt perfect for my training. I hadn't been running fast lately and I hadn't done any short distance road races in a while either, so there really wasn't any pressure to run any PRs today.
I arrived at the university fitness center at 1:25 pm just in time to register for the race. You just can't beat a $10 USD race day registration for a free shirt, a speed workout with 300 or so running buddies and an all you can eat baked goods buffet. I knew I wasn't gonna get close to my 10K PRso I opted to aim slightly lower and stay consistent. I came out quite fast, but quicklky realized it and settled into a steady pace. I hoped to keep it steady and maybe have something left to push on the final mile. Unfortunately, I did not have much left to push late. However, I managed to stay steady and while I pushed my heart rate to the max, I recovered very quickly after the race.
Overall, I was happy with my effort, considering my recent ultra racing and training schedule. I plan to keep focussing on speed work and cross training. I will reassess that training plan 6 months from now. I do expect to see some serious improvements in speed by then:-)
06 March 2011
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